
“The program is everything I could have hoped for! The community is amazing. The students are hard-working and committed, but so welcoming at the same time. I knew virtually no one going into the program but I’m ending my year with some life-long friendships. MaCS will always be a big part of my education and childhood. Amazing program, amazing community, amazing teachers, and overall an unforgettable experience!”  Riddhi Dhankhar (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2024)

“The choice to attend MaCS is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I have cherished the last four years with a group of like-minded peers and have built friendships that I hope to maintain for the rest of my life. The MaCS program would not be what it is without the exceptional group of teachers, who have prepared me for university while making learning enjoyable. Overall, I am grateful to have been a student in the MaCS program, and for the opportunities that have been available to me at MaCS and Mackenzie.” Judah Brill (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2024)

“My four years in the MaCS Program have been an amazing experience. I’m so grateful for the wonderful community of students and staff that I got to interact with in this program. Throughout my time here, I have been challenged academically, met amazing friends, and had great opportunities in terms of extracurriculars, and I feel well prepared for university next year. Thank you to all the teachers, students, and of course Mr. Leder for a great high school experience!” Mia Penner (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2024)

“It was an awesome experience and loved being with my MaCS mates who I’ve bonded with greatly over these 4 years. MaCS is the best place to find not only an academic community but also a place where you can be yourself and have a supportive group of people almost immediately. I found my best friends through the MaCS program and I don’t regret anything! Though the program can be challenging, especially in your upper years, the MaCS community helped me push through and be extremely successful! MaCS is a wonderful initiative that supports upcoming students who have a high-caliber work ethic and motivation to achieve and be the best in whatever path they choose to pursue!” Kanishka Ramesh Sankar (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2024)

“Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have been a part of the MaCS program. Both the fantastic, supportive staff and the passionate student body contribute to making the MaCS program as special as it is. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. There is truly no end to the praises I could sing about the MaCS program. Thank you for giving me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” Luke Mathieu (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2024)

“The MaCS Program provided me with a community that motivated me to challenge myself, encouraged me to try new things, and became life long friends. Many of the clubs and councils offered let me to explore my interests as well as meet many mentors in upper grades (especially in programming and cybersecurity). It also provided me with experiences that let me develop soft skills such as leadership, organization, and communication. I’m happy that I attended MaCS, I couldn’t have expected more for a high school experience.” Chelsea Wong (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2024)

“I have no regrets! I challenged myself academically and got to learn from incredible teachers alongside a group of very talented peers. Most importantly I made the most amazing friends. .” Noa Singer (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2023)

“At first I had no idea what I was getting myself into by joining the MaCS program, but in retrospect, I’m really glad I made the decision to come here. MaCS is a very special group; you’re surrounded by extremely hardworking, inspiring, but also fun and kind peers every day. I’ve made so many memories and friends at this school, and I’m really glad I was fortunate enough to be a part of it all. Cheers to four years in MaCS! Also, all the teachers are amazing, so thank you to them for making this experience incredible.” Lily Phan (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2023)

“I think what really made this program so amazing for me was the community. Everyone around me is always supportive, kind, and eager to help which makes making friends and doing well in classes so much easier. We also have lots of similar goals in terms of our future careers and what we’re interested in which really makes it easier to become close and relate with people.” Radha Kotra (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2023)

“At it’s core the MaCS Program is a program about support. From guidance support throughout your journey, to the stalwart support of teachers. I have genuinely felt the care that each and every member of staff puts into every student to turn us from bright-eyed teenagers into adults ready to face whatever comes our way. But by far the most support comes from the peers you will find in MaCS. Friendship doesn’t accurately describe the bond with those who you have worked with to tackle what sometimes felt like near-impossible challenges. It doesn’t capture the glory of celebrating victories together you never thought possible of yourself. So yes, the MaCS trips are cool and the enrichment is fun, but nothing will propel you to greater heights than the people all around you here at Mackenzie.” Neik Patel (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2023)

“There’s no doubt that my experience in the MaCS program thus far has been one to remember! Coming to Mackenzie out of middle school, intimidated by the fact that I hardly knew any other students in the program and was unsure of what to expect, I can now say after 4 years that I’m so glad I’ve been a part of this incredible program. I loved the enriching learning environment fostered by knowledgeable teachers alongside dedicated, committed, and some of the most intelligent students across the GTA. I was equally able (and encouraged!) to get involved in a variety of extra-curriculars (both STEM and non-STEM-related) and develop my leadership skills while getting to know so many new people and explore new perspectives. Thank you to Mr. Leder for curating the MaCS program to be as amazing as it is, I wouldn’t change my experiences for anything!” Nicole Poroshenko (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2023)

“This has been an experience I am deeply grateful for. From orientation in Grade 8 to today, I have been constantly surrounded by peers and staff I could trust, rely on, look up to, and have fun with. All of my teachers were supportive and inspiring in their own way, and that’s not even exclusive to MaCS teachers – on the most part, Mackenzie teachers rock. We had an abundant supply of resources, and whenever I took exams or AP exams, I felt fully prepared and confident. Overall, the opportunity to connect with peers and challenge myself on new levels through extracurricular clubs at Mackenzie – DECA, The Lyon, and Project Metropolis (<3) especially – is one that made my high school experience an enviable one. I take full pride in calling myself a student at William Lyon Mackenzie CI, and I find great honour in learning what we learn here – the warmth of a nurturing community, the power of gentle, non-competitive pressure, but also the concept that merit has its own reward. I owe it all to the MaCS program for making this, coming to my dream school a reasonable distance from my home school, possible.” Misheel Batkhuu (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2023)

“For me, the MaCS program was a fantastic experience that drove me to work hard and give my full potential to everything I did in high school. The skills I’ve learned in this programme are crucial to use in everyday life, and I’m confident they’ll help me succeed in university. Overall, I enjoyed being a part of this unique programme and will treasure the memories I made here.” Archi Parikh (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2022)

“I am thankful for my time in the MaCS program. MaCS offered a community that I resonated with. It would be inaccurate to depict the program as one that is solely focused on academics. Instead, here I met students that were passionate about making a difference. They contributed to a thriving student life, serving as leaders and role models in the school. If I was given the opportunity to pick MaCS again, I would in a heartbeat.” Kenneth Ruan (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2022)

“Joining the MaCS Program is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! For the past 4 years I’ve been surrounded by hard-working, intelligent peers who have challenged and motivated me to grow as an individual. Everyone is always supportive and we always help each other succeed. Through the program, I’ve gotten the chance to meet loads of new people, some of which I now consider my closest friends. This has truly been the best high school experience I could’ve asked for :D” Amaya Ko (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2022)

“Entering the MaCS Program was hands down the best decision of my life. In the past four years, I’ve grown far past my expectations in terms of work ethic and achievements. As a result of being around such hardworking and intelligent students, I was motivated to take the extra step in all facets of life, whether it be academics, extracurriculars, or even athletics. I’ve made some incredible friends in the program, many of whom will continue to be among my closest in the future. On top of this, the teachers are excellent, motivating us to think critically and explore our interests while making classes fun and engaging. I can’t recommend MaCS enough. Thank you for an amazing 4 years!” Josh Rovner (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2021)

“My time in the MaCS Program was full of unique experiences, strong friendships and a variety of opportunities to learn and explore! The community was supportive, and I am finishing these four years surrounded by people I admire and feel lucky to work with. I’ve gotten the chance to participate in competitions and a variety of activities that pushed me and helped me build my confidence. The program has allowed me to grow into the person I am today, and I couldn’t possibly be more grateful for all it has given me!” Maria Yampolsky (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2021)

“I am so glad that I applied to the MaCS program in grade 8 because it was the best decision I ever made! I am so grateful for all of the awesome opportunities this program offered and the world-class, enriched education taught by amazing, supportive teachers who made learning fun. The MaCS program is truly a one-of-a-kind program with a friendly environment where everyone helps each other succeed. I will forever cherish the great memories I have made here with the kindest and brightest friends I have ever met.” Sophia Nguyen (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2021)

“LOVED IT! I’m so thankful I got into the MaCS program and I think it has helped me in so many ways. I’m thankful for the amazing friends I’ve made and for the amazing teachers that I’ve gotten over the years. In grade nine I was really nervous about joining a program with so many kids who would be potentially “smarter” than me, something I wasn’t used to at the time. Looking back I realize MaCS isn’t about how smart you are, but helping you realize your personal potential as a student by giving you the tools and community to help you excel in your own unique way. The MaCS program gave me so many amazing opportunities and experiences like our trips, and some AMAZING math and science classes that were both educational and hilarious. The MaCS program didn’t hinder me from joining extracurricular’s either (something I was worried about in the beginning of my journey) and I ended up joining so many clubs and teams that would take me forever to name! Thank you Mr. Leder for running such a great program, I truly wouldn’t have changed anything in my last 4 years if I could 🙂 ” Ana Duvnjak (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2020)

“Coming to the MaCS program was one of the defining moments of my life. It was the best choice I could have made for myself coming out of middle school. This program opened my eyes to the world of possibilities that existed for me in school and in life, and taught me that anyone can accomplish their dreams with the right mindset. Perhaps the most important factor was the group of students I’ve gotten to know. Though we all come from different schools, have different interests, and live all across the GTA, each year the MaCS program somehow manages to create an incredibly kind, hard-working, amazing community of students. The academics in the program are always the perfect balance of challenging and interesting, pushing us to think critically and explore new concepts beyond a typical curriculum. More than that, the faculty is absolutely incredible. From the MaCS coordinator Mr. Leder to the MaCS teachers in each department, these people have been instrumental in our success and growth. I want to thank each and every one of you for making a meaningful impact in all of our lives!” Simona Poroshenko (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2020)

“Joining the MaCS program was honestly one of the best decisions of my life. I received high-quality, enriched education taught by great teachers (ESPECIALLY the higher math courses taught by Ms. Gugoiu), and I really think it’s helped me improve and grow as a person when it comes to pushing myself and overcoming challenges. But not only that, I was also able to form deep, strong bonds with my friends. I’m pretty sure that the friends I made in the MaCS program are going to remain some of my closest friends five, or even ten years, into the future, and for that, I’m very grateful for the MaCS program for giving me the opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded and talented peers.” Sophie Lan (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2020)

“Most amazing experience of my life. The community that MaCS took me into became my closest family. Great program! I truly hope my brother and sister get to experience what I did. Can’t wait to visit!” Michal Moshkovich (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2019)

“The MaCS Program helped me grow and learn so much. Thank you for an amazing 4 years!!” Jiwon Hong (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2019)

“Fantastic school! Fantastic teachers! Fantastic program! Best decision of my life!” Ervis Musa (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2019)

“MaCS was definitely life-changing for me in a positive way. I got to work with some of the brightest peers and most supportive and helpful teachers and guidance counselors here.” Darren Yip (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2019)

“The MaCS Program has offered me so many amazing opportunities, both academically and socially. I have made memories that will last a lifetime and I will always look back fondly on my time at Mackenzie.” Sarah Goldfarb (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2018)

“Being in MaCS immersed me in a culture of hardworking people with a love of learning and diverse interests. I’ll take the friends I made and lessons I learned with me for the rest of my life.” Oliver Daniel (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2018)

“Hands down a great experience. The students and teachers were some of the most intelligent and caring individuals I’ve ever met. This program has shaped my attitude towards learning and life.” Deepinder Kumar (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2018)

“MaCS has not only been an enriched academic program, but it offers a phenomenal, motivational environment that has allowed me to become involved and take initiative and be active in my community. Couldn’t have done it without the supportive teachers and friends.” Mandy Wai (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2018)

“I loved my time in the MaCS Program. The people I met and the memories I made will be with me for a lifetime. Everything MaCS has taught me has allowed me to go above and beyond in everything I do and I will use these skills in the future. Thanks for a great 4 years.” Naomi Kothiyal (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2018)

“The MaCS Program creates a lot of friendships and unforgettable memories. After four years this group of students feel more like a family than just classmates.” Michael Wu (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2018)

“The MaCS Program has been integral in shaping my future and making me the person I am today. I can’t emphasize how much I owe to the program, and I have enjoyed every moment of it.”
Vedant Purohit (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2017)

“Being in the MaCS Program was a beyond amazing experience, enabling me to grow as an individual and challenge myself every step along the way!”
Seher Sarin (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2017)

“The years I’ve spent at MaC have been the best in my life so far. The MaCS program allowed me to meet more like-minded individuals than ever before, and likely after high school. I have also obtained many valuable skills I will keep for the rest of my life.”
Yuliya Samoylova (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2017)

“The enriched courses offered a nice curriculum and the tight knit MaCS community is definitely something to treasure.”
Kyle Girdhari (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2017)

“Being in the MaCS Program was truly an incredible experience. From the MaCS trips to AP opportunities, this program opened my mind to so many different career paths. It’s also really great to be in classes with like-minded, studious students who are eager to help because it drove me to study harder.”
Amy Bui (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2016)

“I had an amazing 4 years in the MaCS Program! The ability to be surrounded by so many like-minded individuals enhanced my learning and inspired me to work hard. Even more, I made the best group of friends I could have asked for- the people truly made this experience what it was.”
Emily Smith (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2016)

“My 4 years in the MaCS Program were phenomenal. Not only was the learning environment extremely helpful and friendly, but the teachers were also outstanding as they prepared us extremely well. The annual trips were some of the best and most fun times I’ve ever had! It was an incredible experience.”
Salar Hosseini (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2016)

“I can definitely say that being in the MaCS Program has fundamentally changed who I am for the better. I’ve made friends who push me to challenge my limits every day, and the teachers are so helpful and insightful. Thank you for an incredible four years and I wish all the best to future MaCS generations.”
Katya Potapov (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2016)

“This program has changed my life, I have met amazing people, many of which will be life long friends. I have learned so much and am extremely grateful for the amazing experience I was given in MaCS.”
Alexandra Sabzparvar (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2015)

“The MaCS Program has been such a wonderful experience that has helped me improve overall as a person. I met so many smart, talented students that have challenged me and provided me with a great learning environment. The teachers are amazing. They are smart, caring, and awesome.”
Anqi Wu (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2015)

“My time at MaCS was unbelievable. I had great opportunities academically and extra-curricular too. I am glad I chose to come to the MaCS program and Mackenzie. I will miss this place next year.”
Noah Matsui (Grade 12 MaCS student 2014)

“The MaCS program has allowed me to learn a lot, not just academics but so much more as well. The teachers and staff are incredible and supportive and I am so honored to have had this opportunity. Through leadership experiences and great friendships this program has allowed me to develop into the person I am today.”
Shir Grunbaum (Grade 12 MaCS student 2014)

“MaCS is a truly special program. It provided me with a holistic high school experience. I was challenged academically, and my teachers always pushed me to find new heights in myself. MaCS provided me with enrichment opportunities that enhanced my studies. I loved my time at Mackenzie and I will leave with nothing but fond memories.”
Ieta Shams (Grade 12 MaCS student 2013)

“The MaCS Program gave me the opportunity to meet the most supportive and amazing students and teachers, and challenged me to exceed all academic expectations.”
Jonathan Clodman (Grade 12 MaCS student 2013)

“The last four years have just been wonderful. From the comprehensive courses available, to the helpful staff, to the 89 like-minded individuals also here, the MaCS Program has definitely been a life-changing experience.”
Haonan Mi (Grade 12 MaCS Student 2013)

“MaCS is a beautiful program filled with unique, intelligent and ambitious people. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime to go through high school with them.”
Cynthia Ji (Grade 12 MaCS student 2013)

“A phenomenal experience, the MaCS Program provided me with the tools to succeed.”
Kevin Mao (Grade 12 MaCS student 2012)

“Most amazing program, amazing people, unforgettable experience, best years of my life, I love everyone in this program because they are all such brilliant and unique people.”
Christine Roy (Grade 12 MaCS student 2012)

“The MaCS Program was an inspiring learning experience and I have definitely been prepared for university.”
Sharice Molko (Grade 12 MaCS student 2012)

“MaCS was wonderful! The teachers who taught MaCS classes were absolutely wonderful, definitely the best part of my high school experience.”
Kostya Golovan (Grade 12 MaCS student 2012)

“Applying for the MaCS Program was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m having so much fun! Being a part of a group striving for more challenging goals is helping me become a stronger, confident person.”
Rosalie Tran (Grade 9 MaCS student 2011)

“From my first month in Grade9, I learned that being an individual of the MacCS program wasn’t about being the fastest human calculator or the smartest chemistry student. Instead, it was about the collaboration and growth of a group of young minds that wanted one thing -a surrounding environment that brings out the best leader in all of us. Nearing the end of my high school chapter, I truly believe that’s what we all achieved.”
Albert Nguyen (Grade 12 MaCS student 2011)

“Throughout the two years I have spent at Mackenzie, the MaCS program has been able to propel me to perform at my best. The teachers and students here are the most supportive and welcoming people you will ever meet. If you are looking for a challenge or an amazing highschool experience, the MaCS program is the way to go!”
Cissy Suen (Grade 10 MaCS student 2011)

“I had an amazing time being a “MaCS kid”! It really took out the best in me. I’ve met so many wonderful people, and will always remember the trips to Muskoka and Mattawa!”
Cathy Tran (Grade 11 MaCS Student 2010)

“One year in the MaCS Program was an amazing experience and I’m really looking forward to the next three years. The best part about MaCS is that even with the enriched academic environment, the school still provides amazing opportunities to get involved in other things such as clubs and sports. I think selecting Mackenzie as the school for my highschool career is one of the best choices I’ve made.”
Hetshree Joshi (Grade 9 MaCS student 2010)

“The MaCS Program helps students discover and develop their potentials in Math, Science, and Computers. It provides students with a deep understanding of these subjects through an enriched curriculum and engaging learning styles. In no other program would you meet such bright motivating students and dedicated, innovative teachers.”
Anat Kabanovski (Grade 12 MaCS student 2010)

“When I first joined the MaCS program, I thought class would be boring and that nothing fun would happen, and that nobody would be interested in or play sports. I’ve now seen that MaCS classes are just as fun other classes, and the students are into both academic and athletics. Not only do you have fun, but you also learn in a much higher level environment. This balance, and the program as whole, is really amazing.”
Aakash Goel (Grade 10 MaCS student 2010)

“The best part of the MaCS Program is how you are surrounded by like-minded individuals who have similar work habits and goals. Working alone is tough, but when you work hard with other people, it’s much easier. I’ve met many new friends, whom I can share many things and experiences on a whole different level. This program has ultimately shaped me to become who I am today.”
George Wong (Grade 12 MaCS student 2010)

“The reason why I chose the MaCS program over the IB program is because I envisioned MaCS students to be well rounded. And I was right! The MaCS learning environment is fun even though it’s an enriched program. The MaCS program has taught me to think diferently which I can apply for everyday situations. Joining the MaCS program is the best educational choice I have made thus far.”
Anthony Chaseendran (Grade 12 MaCS student 2010)

“The MaCS Program consisted of well-rounded individuals. Everyone could relate to each other easily so there was no problem making friends. The environment was also very competitive, since everyone basically worked at the same level. There was competition but everyone supported each other throughout the end. The teachers were also really great! The unique trips, the quiet classrooom, the inspiring lessons – I gained memorable experiences I think I would not have been able to get anywhere else.”
Geeta Kumar (Grade 12 MaCS student 2009)

“The MaCS program has helped me exceed in my early my early high school years and prepare myself for my senior year. The extra preparation has armed me for the future.”
Manminder Singh (Grade 12 MaCS student 2009)

“MaCS was a really great experience to be a part of in high school. Having completed my first year of University, I can see just how well we have been prepared. The challenging course work the program provides is great preparation for the University workload. MaCS classes themselves were a lot of fun too. Teachers were really involved and got the students involved too. MaCS was a really great place to meet a lot of good friends with similar interests.”
Anna Merkoulovitch (Grade 12 MaCS student 2008)

“The MaCS program proved to be very resourceful. I gained the opportunity to experience and learn new things I never thought was possible in high school. This program helped me to get in to a good program in university. I recommend this program to any student who wants good university preparation.”
Ashanthi Ravindran (Grade 12 MaCS student 2008)

“After I entered university, I found out how valuable MaCS was. Among peers from a variety of schools, I am able to confirm that MaCS is, indeed, one of the best high school programs that you can find in Ontario. The dedicated teachers are very helpful and enthusiastic, while fellow students in the program are talented and hardworking. One thing that I liked the most about MaCS is the abundance of opportunity. From US FIRST Robotics to Science Olympics, from science fairs to numerous Advanced Placement courses, whatever that you can think of is available right here at MaCS. If it’s not here, you can always start one. That is why, when someone asks me, “Where did you go for high school?” I am always proud to say MaCS at William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute.”