A special thanks to Student Council, Mackenzie’s Jewish Club, Ms. Mancini and Ms. Dash for helping us commemorate Holocaust Education Week! SAC and Jewish Club developed a website and created a video to raise awareness on issues of anti-Semitism, genocide and racism.  Over the last week, these resources have been shared with students and now we want to make them available to you.  Please visit https://linktr.ee/macholocausteducationweek to learn more.  To close off Holocaust Education Week, Mackenzie will be hosting a virtual Holocaust Speaker Event for students and community. Once a link becomes available, we’ll share the link with our students. Mackenzie also shared a variety of resources developed by the TDSB Jewish Heritage Month Committee. These resources can be viewed at: https://sites.google.com/tdsb.on.ca/tdsb-holocaust-and-genocide/home.

We’re currently developing similar resources to commemorate Hindu Heritage Month and Indigenous Education Month. Once completed, these resources will also be shared with the community. Please contact Stephen Morris at stephen.morris@tdsb.on.ca if you’re interested in sharing any ideas or would like to make a contribution.